AS Media Blog

Tuesday 4 April 2017

DPS creation process

This is the creation process for my DPS.

First of all, I started with a blank document (1600x1131). This is typically the size for a double page spread and I have therefore implemented this into my work.

I then uploaded my image that I took onto the blank document. This image displays the artist that is being mentioned in the article yet leaves enough room for the text that will appear on the other side of the document. This is vital as failure to do so would result in an image or text that would not appear on the DPS properly.

I then added a small masthead in the top corner, the name of the artist in large text and what the DPS article will include underneath this. This maintains consistency throughout the magazine and clearly shows the contents of the article, which is obviously an important feature for the readers of the magazine.

Thirdly, I added the article and the page numbers. The article is important for obvious reasons as it essentially the reason for having a DPS in the magazine. In this particular case the article is an interview with an artist. The page numbers are simply present to inform the reader of which page they are currently on.

Finally, I added a pull quote to the DPS. This is something that the artist in question had said that can be used to entice the reader further to the article. It could also be used to entice customers who would not normally be interested in reading this particular article.

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