AS Media Blog

Thursday 15 September 2016

Why Have I Chosen To Study Media?

Why have I chosen to study media?

What do you think you will gain from taking media studies?

From studying media at this level I will hope to gain a knowledge of how media works ‘behind the scenes’ and the different forms of media that are shown to, or used by the general public. I will also aim to gain a knowledge of the effects of media on people. i.e. how different types of media can influence people. I am sure that the experience gained from this will help me later on in life, whether that be assisting or enhancing the development of a hobby/skill or lead to a new career path later on.

Do you have an interest in the media and how it works?

I have an interest in some aspects of media. This includes magazines about topics that I am interested in, such as sport and selected vehicle-orientated magazines. Another example is video games, I will regularly view advertisements for video games and analyse how an advertisement of a particular style can convince/influence people to buy the product. I do not watch movies that often however I have an understanding of the effects that movies have on people and how these can be explained to the viewer through the use of ‘director’s cuts’. I believe that these have a great and positive influence especially on those who perhaps do not show a great interest in media or the ideas behind the creation of the movie. I think that media is an interesting topic and I am sure that I will enjoy my time studying the subject.

How do you interact with media on a daily basis?

My main interaction with media comes in the form of video games, magazines and watching TV. During my time playing, reading and watching I have begun to develop an understanding of how and why people will be attracted to playing the games, reading the magazines or watching the TV show in question. I have a great interest in video games as they have had a constant presence as I have grown up. More recently I have begun to appreciate why people take to this form of media. I am aware of the techniques used by magazine companies in order to convince the reader that their magazine is the best on the market. In terms of watching TV, I have also begun to appreciate and understand the impacts of advertisement on viewers and how they convince people to invest in the product or service being offered.

Overall, I aim to learn a lot from taking media AS and I hope that it can enhance my skills for the future.

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