Thursday, 24 November 2016
Contents page visual mock ups
These are the visual mock ups for my contents page. You can open the picture in another tab for a better view of the picture.
Final colour scheme and house style
This is the colour scheme and house style that I will use in the majority of my magazines. It has a dark feeling which is the style of my coursework.
Front cover creation process
This is the creation process of one of my magazine covers. It shows the evolution and development of the cover, and outlines how I have created it.
As you can see from the images, I started off by deciding the position of the masthead and pull quote. These are key elements of the magazine, as the masthead is the brand that makes the magazine, which is always included on the front of magazine covers, and the pull quote is used to entice the potential reader to the magazine.
I then added the main feature of the magazine, this needs to dominate the page as it clearly displays what the contents of the magazine revolves around. This can make the magazine to the correct target audiences.
I then added the feature photo, this is the photo that is related to the main feature, and is imperative to to displaying the contents of the magazine. Put simply, the magazine would fail to sell should it not have a picture.
Thirdly, I added the cover lines of the magazine. These show the other contents of the magazine and are present as they may apply to other customers who may not take an interest in the main feature of the magazine. These could also be present as they could be less important or less coveted artists, and as a result are not the main feature of the magazine.
Finally, I added the pug. In this case, the pug showcases a competition that is featured in the magazine. As this is a chance to win a free item, it should be featured on the cover of the magazine to entice the potential reader further.
Magazine cover extras details
These are the extra details that will be used on the covers of my magazine. This includes items such as social media advertisements and other images.
Planning for photography
Photo planning sheet
Time and date
Shot type
Location setting lighting
Props etc.
Character and reason
Last half term (already taken)
Full body shot
Front cover photo, black and white
Small alley, dark lighting
No intentional props
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
15/3/17 (already taken)
Close up
Front cover photo, black and white
In a house, fairly well lit
No props
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
Close up
Front cover photo, black and white
In a house or outside, undecided
Background items
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
Full body shot
Front cover photo, black and white or in colour, undecided
In a house or outside, undecided
Background items or intentional props (undecided)
Would consider model to allow for some variation
Full body shot/ Close up undecided
Contents photo, In colour (subject to change)
Outside, could be a park or forest etc.
Background items such as trees etc.
Would consider model to allow for some variation/ Myself as I fit the
style of the magazine (undecided)
Full body shot
Contents photo, In colour (subject to change)
Shot with a car in the background, resembles money etc.
Car shown in background of the shot
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
3/4/17 or 5/4/17
Full body shot (subject to change)
DPS photo, black and white
Could use an alternate photo also with a car in the background
Car shown in the background of the shot if the decision is made to
include the prop
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
Mock up cover 5
This is the fifth and final mock up cover for my music magazine. At this stage i had realised that on the previous mock up covers i was using the incorrect dimensions on fireworks. I have changed this for this mock up cover.
Visual mock ups for magazine cover
These are the visual mock ups for my magazine cover. You can open the picture in another tab for a better view of the picture.
Questionnaire analysis
Questionnaire analysis

From this question we can see that there was around double
the amount of men than women (66.67% compared to 33.33%). This could be a
result of the artists featured in the magazine, such as G-Eazy, who could
appeal more to a male audience.

From this question we can see that most (66.67%) of the
people that answered were aged between 16-18, whereas the rest were over 25.
This could be a result of the fact that the type of music being featured (Rap
and EDM) normally attracts a younger audience.

From analysing this question, I can determine that ‘other’
is the most selected category, with the options being ‘Cream, Grey, Pink and
Turquoise’ This could be information that I could use to design the different
aspects of my magazine.

This question determined where participants sourced their
research from, and it was possible to discover that almost all of the
participants selected ‘Friends and family/associates’ or ‘The Internet’ The
fact that ‘The Internet’ was the most selected option could be a result of
technological convergence.

These results show that the most popular type of music
amongst the people who completed my survey is EDM (Electronic Dance Music)
Closely followed by Pop Music and DnB (Drum and Bass) This is good because this
is the type of music that I am looking to feature in my magazine, and therefore
shows that I have selected a well renowned genre of music.

The results of this question clearly indicate that exactly
half of the people that completed my questionnaire selected the option
‘Noisebomb’ This is a positive point for me as I also believe that this is the
best suited name for my magazine due to the styles and genres of the music

The results from this question also indicate that ‘Noisebomb’
is the most popular choice, again indicating that half of the participants
selected this choice. This is positive as it matches the outcome of the
previous question.

The answers given for this question show that ‘freebies’ are
the most important feature in the eyes of the participants. This is a positive
point for me as I can now base the contents of the magazine on these results,
this will also be a positive point for consumers as this is essentially what
they have asked for.

The results for this question clearly identify that all of
the participants voted for a contents page that was dominated by sections or
blocks. This is a positive point as I can make changes relating to the feedback
of this question.

This final question shows that most participants would look
out for ‘interviews with artists’ in a music magazine that they would be
looking to buy. This is relatively easy information to follow and I believe
that I can incorporate this into my music magazine.
Masthead name decision
I have chosen the masthead name "Noisebomb". This is because it has explosive, loud and vibrant connotations, which matches the style of music that is included in my magazine, which is Rap and EDM. It is good to maintain consistency throughout my magazine, and this can be achieved through selecting a masthead that matches the styles of the magazine.
Masthead ideas (4 of 4)
This is the fourth set of mastheads that I could use in my music magazine. (4 of 4). As mentioned earlier, it is imperative to maintain a sense of consistency throughout my work.
Masthead ideas (3 of 4)
This is the third set of mastheads that I could use in my magazine. (3 of 4). These examples follow a similar pattern to the ones shown previously, which is important as it would be preferable to avoid any contradictions throughout my magazine.
Masthead ideas (2 of 4)
This is the second set of mastheads that I could use in my music magazine. (2 of 4). As with the first set of mastheads that I created, they maintain a style that could be compared to the music genre in question. I believe that is important because I believe that it would be ideal to maintain a constant style within the features of my magazine.
Masthead ideas (1 of 4) (Music magazine)
This is a set of mastheads that could be used for my final magazine. (1 of 4). I feel that they are suitable in relation to the genre of my music magazine, which is EDM and Rap.
List of magazine names
Below is a list of some names that could be used for my magazine. In the paragraphs below the list, I have reached a decision regarding the final name, and an explanation as to why have made that decision.
Grip Enemy
Option Stream
These magazine names are being used to attempt to entice the reader. With the exception of Noisebomb, they are fairly relaxed names. Noisebomb has explosive and loud connotations, which is relevant to the genre of music I have chosen. Therefore, this is the magazine name that I have selected. In my opinion, it matches the styles and impressions created by both Rap and EDM music. It could be said that some of the other options present on the list above, especially Laguna, Alcantara and Grip Enemy also match the styles, however they are not as effective.
It is important for the name of my magazine to match the styles as failure to do so will most likely result in confusion for the potential reader, which could, from a business perspective, lose money as less sales would be made.
Grip Enemy
Option Stream
These magazine names are being used to attempt to entice the reader. With the exception of Noisebomb, they are fairly relaxed names. Noisebomb has explosive and loud connotations, which is relevant to the genre of music I have chosen. Therefore, this is the magazine name that I have selected. In my opinion, it matches the styles and impressions created by both Rap and EDM music. It could be said that some of the other options present on the list above, especially Laguna, Alcantara and Grip Enemy also match the styles, however they are not as effective.
It is important for the name of my magazine to match the styles as failure to do so will most likely result in confusion for the potential reader, which could, from a business perspective, lose money as less sales would be made.
Content ideas moodboard
This is the moodboard that I have created for the content ideas of my music magazine. It displays what it could include.
What will be the brand identity and values for my music magazine?
I want my magazine to be a way of allowing people that fall
into teenage and younger adult audiences to express themselves and get away
from the stress of reality. I have been taking influence and ideas from magazines such as
Billboard and Vibe, as these fall into similar genres to that of dance music and/or EDM,
which is the genre(s) that I have selected. This is because they tend to attract a similar audience. They also both seem to cover modern music
that is listened to by a large proportion of people within this age group
across both the country and the world, this is the main reason that I have
chosen these magazines to influence my own magazine. I want my brand to be
known as a fairly laid back and up to date/modern one, covering all the interests of
my chosen age group(s). This would be in a contrast to a rock music magazine
for example as the image created by that genre of magazine is rebellious and
has a dated type of style. My
magazines main passion and interests obviously include the genre of music,
fashion and technology. This is because the type of age group in question will
most likely be attracted to the types of clothes that are in fashion and
technology such as phones and games consoles as a large percentage of people
that fall into this age category will interested in these two factors. My
magazine will have an informal style. This is because, as I have mentioned
before, the magazine will be a way of allowing the age group in question to
express themselves through the use of media. It is therefore important to
create a comfortable feeling amongst customers, mainly in hope that they will
Who will be the target audience for my music magazine?
The genre(s) of my magazine are Rap music and EDM, this includes
artists such as Calvin Harris, XYconstant and G-Eazy. I have chosen this genre as it is
the type of music that I enjoy listening to as I take a personal interest
in the genre. I do not believe that there is a specific age range for this genre of
magazine or even a gender that would by more likely to buy a magazine of this
type, however, the music genre in question is more likely to be suited to teens
and younger adults than perhaps the elderly, for example. I will appeal to their interests by
including information about fashion and technology that is most recent and
appropriate to the selected age groups. I will include features such as
interviews with artists, competitions to win clothing and technology and
necessary tips to go with these two areas. The bands and artists I will include
will be some of the following, as they are suited to both the genre and age
group(s) that I have selected.
Calvin Harris
Sofi De La Torre
Porter Robinson
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Final school magazine evaluation
Q: Who would the audience be for your media product?
The audience for my media product would be both students and
parents of students. This is because students will be interested in aspects of
my magazine such as BTCC and F1 results and perhaps even assistance in certain
subjects. It is therefore important to cover these aspects as the students will
see the school magazine as redundant to them personally. Parents will also be
interested in the magazine as they will require information regarding term dates,
OFSTED reports and assistance with parenting, if of course it is necessary.
Q: What have you learnt about technologies from the process
of constructing this product?
I have learnt about several different forms of technologies
that are used to create such products.
I have used Microsoft Word, which has allowed me to develop
my knowledge of the software even further. This is important as I have become
more confident and comfortable whilst using the software. I have mainly used
Microsoft Word for write-ups such as this final evaluation. I have learnt how
to use several different tools within the software. These have aided the
progression of my coursework and has enabled me to complete certain aspects of
my coursework I would not otherwise be able to complete had I not developed my
knowledge of the tools in question.
I have also used Microsoft PowerPoint, mainly for mood
boards when I have felt that using Fireworks was unnecessary or too difficult
in a given situation. As with Microsoft Word, using this software has allowed
me to develop my knowledge of the software even further. Again, as with
Microsoft Word, I have learnt how to use several tools that I had not used
previously. This has further developed my knowledge and understanding of the
software as I have become more aware of the tools functions.
Finally, I have predominantly used Fireworks to complete
aspects of my coursework. This is because it has many tools and features that I
have not come across before I began this course. This, therefore, has
introduced me to the software and I am now able to complete a large proportion
of work using this software with little or no issue. The main sections of
coursework that I have completed using this software include mood boards,
mastheads, mock-up covers and final covers. I believe that I have developed an
adequate understanding of the software, which is important for both this course
and in general.
Q: In what ways does your media product use, develop or
challenge forms and conventions of school magazines?
My media product uses typical school magazine conventions in
the sense that it includes information for both students and parents of
students, hence the reason I have included information regarding both student
and parent interests and topics. This is important because I am looking to
follow a trend created by writers of other school magazines in terms of the
types of information included. I believe that this is important because I want
customers to realise what I aim to achieve by selling this media product.
My school magazine develops on typical magazine conventions
by including information that is not typically included in magazines of this
type. This includes information regarding BTCC and F1 results, which are
popular amongst a certain type of audience but are not typically included in
school magazines as the information is seen as irrelevant, but I will be
looking to challenge this statement. It could be said that this is challenging
conventions as I am looking to allow the students feel relaxed whilst reading
the school magazine as appose to just keeping them updated.
Everything on my blog from this point on-wards will be related to my music magazine.
Everything on my blog from this point on-wards will be related to my music magazine.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Contents page mock up
This is a mock up contents page for my media coursework. I believe that it explains everything that is in my magazine well whilst maintaining a fun and approachable style which is vital for a magazine that will be sold to children.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Monday, 24 October 2016
Contents page templates
These are the templates for my contents page. They are possible templates for the layout of my contents page. (Right click and open in new tab to see picture better).
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Mock Up Covers Revisited
This is another attempt at creating a mock up cover. I believe that this is a dramatic improvement from the mock up covers shown previously. Since creating my last mock up covers, I have tried to take inspiration from covers used in actual school magazines sold to the public and ones shown on a variety of websites. I believe that this is important for aiding the process of my coursework.
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