Photo planning sheet
Time and date
Shot type
Location setting lighting
Props etc.
Character and reason
Last half term (already taken)
Full body shot
Front cover photo, black and white
Small alley, dark lighting
No intentional props
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
15/3/17 (already taken)
Close up
Front cover photo, black and white
In a house, fairly well lit
No props
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
Close up
Front cover photo, black and white
In a house or outside, undecided
Background items
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
Full body shot
Front cover photo, black and white or in colour, undecided
In a house or outside, undecided
Background items or intentional props (undecided)
Would consider model to allow for some variation
Full body shot/ Close up undecided
Contents photo, In colour (subject to change)
Outside, could be a park or forest etc.
Background items such as trees etc.
Would consider model to allow for some variation/ Myself as I fit the
style of the magazine (undecided)
Full body shot
Contents photo, In colour (subject to change)
Shot with a car in the background, resembles money etc.
Car shown in background of the shot
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
3/4/17 or 5/4/17
Full body shot (subject to change)
DPS photo, black and white
Could use an alternate photo also with a car in the background
Car shown in the background of the shot if the decision is made to
include the prop
Myself as I fit the style of the magazine
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